Friday 29 February 2008

Six degrees of separation #25: The Smallville Edition

Ok, so no guesses at no. 24, that's the first time in a while. It was a fairly tough one too, which took me an entire 40 minute tube ride to figure out. Here goes in five:
1. Gillian Anderson to Forest Whitaker in Last King of Scotland; 2. Whitaker to Natasha Henstridge in Species; 3. Henstridge to Bruce Willis in The Whole 9 Yards; 4. Willis to Brad Pitt in Oceans 12; and 5. Pitt to David Duchovny in Kalifornia.

#25, The Smallville Edition:
Tom Welling to John Glover

Wednesday 27 February 2008

So, what's Paco been up to?

The loss of Paco Ayesteran has been present in almost every forum / blog discussing the 'where did it all go wrong this season?' question.
John Aldridge amongst others is convinced that the loss of Paco has been a crucial point in the poor consistency of the team:

“A lot of people are getting the wrong idea of what’s happening. You can look back to when Paco Ayesteran went a couple of months ago, Rafa’s right-hand man, I think that’s got a massive bearing on it.

“He’s holding the fort on his own without a right-hand man. He’s working very hard on his own and under very difficult circumstances and I think he needs a bit of help right now.”

A lot of the same names come up as a possible no.2, Sammy Lee returning is one and Gary Mac is a big fans favourite. I'm not sure this is a route Rafa wants to go down. But what about a reconciliation with Paco??

I was surprise to learn that Paco was the Director of Football at Real Sociedad since January this year and more surprised to learn that he had already left the post when it became apparent the club President was going to be the one making decisions on Chris Coleman's replacement.

The reasons behind Paco's departure seem to have been well protected in the months since, so maybe I'm grasping at straws. It would be pretty great though .

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Funny video/ song ...

...insulting programmers everywhere.

Friday 22 February 2008

Six degrees of separation #24: The X-Files Edition

A.Nonymous got the West Wing special in two moves last week, although it was at the second attempt. Props to Simon at Dossing Times with another successful 3 move tilt.
Anyhow, the two move solution was: 1. Allison Janney to Michelle Pfeiffer in Hairspray; 2. Pfeiffer to Tim Matheson in The Story of Us.

This week the X-Files (you can't use the X-Files movie!)
#24: David Duchovny to Gillian Anderson

Monday 18 February 2008

Yes we can!

There's no doubt who's winning the catchphrase contest in the Democratic nomination race...

US Gun rights under scrutiny for first time in 70 years

A fascinting event is due to unfold in the coming months as the US Supreme is set to rule on the right to bear arms of its citizens. The case is between the city of Washington - which has had a ban on hand guns for 30 years - and a citizen of the city, who claims it is right to hold such a weapon under the second amendment of 1791.
This is one of the most divisive issues in US politics and will surely cause much furore between now and the ruling in June. Read the Guardian coverage here.

Friday 15 February 2008

It's all over

The Cork players v county board dispute is over. Read a more detailed report here.

Thursday 14 February 2008

Give over, Boris

I am beginning to tire of Boris Johnson's constant media presence. The man is just annoying at this stage.
His run for mayor seems based solely on claims that he'll fix everyhting that's wrtong in London. Today's targets are petty criminals, last month it was teen gangs. In a way I wouldn't mind seeing him get the job and hearing his response when crime doesn't stop.
I have no great affiliation for Ken Livingstone but Johnson seems to think no-one else has ever tried to make things better. Get real.
Stick to charity football games ...

...actually, no don't.

Tuesday 12 February 2008

The never-ending strike ... coming to an end?

It seems we may have light at the end of the tunnel, for the Cork players/ county board dispute. The county board have agreed to a binding arbitration, from an independent official appointed by LRC chief executive Kieran Mulvey.
This is a clever move by the board and can benefit them in two ways:
  1. If the arbitration suggests the removal of Teddy Holland from his position as Senior football manager, then their hands are clean and they have not gone back on their appointment.
  2. If the players do not also agree to the arbitration, it is likely the tide of public support may begin to wane, as it will appear the players want the conflict to continue.
From the players perspective they have a bit more to think about. If they agree to it - and a decision is expected later today - they may face a year of Holland in charge of the football team. This would be a troubling prospect and one which could have further repercussions during the season.
My sympathy has been with the players for the simple reason that a patch-work management team will lead inevitably to divided dressing room. The coach is the one who takes the blame and needs control of his entire squad (playing and coaching) in order to get things done.
These players play to win. The results are their to be seen in both codes in recent years. So lets give them the stable footing they need and deserve - and get the rebels back on the field again.

Sunday 10 February 2008

Six degrees of separation #23: The West Wing Edition

Plenty of offerings again on number 22. I had it in 3 moves but was out-done by a a two move solution from A. Nonymous!
1. Robin Wright (Penn) to Sam Shepard in The Pledge; and 2. Shepard to Orlando Bloom in Black Hawk Down.

For #23 I am mixing it up a bit. As the West Wing is one of my favourite shows I have taken two of the regular cast and pitted them against each other. .I have seen both in more than one movie so it's not a crazy ask.
#23: Allison Janney (CJ Cregg) to Tim Matheson (VP John Hoynes)

BAFTA's 2008

Daniel Day Lewis continued his march towards seemingly inevitable Oscar glory at the BAFTA's last night, adding that to his Screen Actor's Guild award. Click here for a full set of results. The top prizes went to:

Best film

Leading actor
Winner: Daniel Day-Lewis - There Will Be Blood

Leading actress
Winner: Marion Cotillard - La Vie En Rose

Supporting actor
Winner: Javier Bardem - No Country For Old Men

Supporting actress
Winner: Tilda Swinton - Michael Clayton

Winner: No Country For Old Men - Joel Coen, Ethan Coen

Original screenplay
Winner: Juno - Diablo Cody

Monday 4 February 2008

Spanish fans shameful display

It's sad that we are getting used to hearing racial chanting and football players being singled out for abuse in Spanish stadia.
Now it seems this has spread to the world of F1. The picture below is a pretty sad indictment of the Spanish public - in this case Lewis Hamilton was the focus of their unwanted opinions.

Hackers attack Scientology

I've noticed quite a bit in the news recently about the 'church' of Scientology. As is customary, Tom Cruise is front and centre, as well as a notable contribution of $10m from the voice of Bart Simpson, Nancy Cartwright. I find the publicising of her involvement a bit worrying given the massive influence the Simpsons has on the world's youth.
There is a good article in today's Guardian about an on-going protest by hackers, who have waged war on the organisations online profile. Global protests to follow.